
Volunteer Programs

Tanzania is an attractive and enthralling East African country in which to spend some time on a volunteer project or work experience placement. Our voluntary projects in Tanzania are available for anyone interested in volunteering in the developing world, including those on a gap year, career break or as summer work experience while studying.

Way 2 Tanzania Adventure Volunteers in Tanzania lives with local host families. This allows Volunteers to experience Tanzania from a local’s perspective and exchange local cultures.

Zanzibar Beach Tours

Volunteer and Intern Programs

We offer you the opportunity to work as a volunteer or an Intern in Arusha, Moshi,  Manyara area and more . You will be helping children in daycare centres, primary and Secondary schools, supporting hospital staff, NGOs,  Community leaders and community based organizations, as well as animal conservation centers.  You can help and educate young people , promote equal opportunities for girls and boys, and taking part in training on the ground. You can participate and lead renovation of schools,  technology deployment, agriculture enhancement,  leadership mentoring and more.

Duration and location:

1 Week – 3 months voluntar  service: Volunteering in Tanzania with Way 2 Tanzania Safari. Volunteers will fly into Kilimanjaro or Arusha Airport where you will be met by one of our local staff and taken to the area of placement where you will be based for the duration of your placement.

Volunteer typical Week

First Day: On the first day of the volunteering placement, you will be escorted to the project by our local staff and introduced to the staff at the project you will be working with.

Weekdays: A typical day would be as follows:

7.30 AM Breakfast at the volunteer house or homestay.

8.00 AM Volunteers leave home and travel to their placements. Work and hours are dependent on the project and placement that each volunteer is working at.

2.00 PM – 5.00 PM Work at the placement usually ends. Volunteers are free to travel home, prepare for the next day or do some shopping and sightseeing.

20.30 PM Dinner at the volunteer house or homestay.