Witness the Spectacle: Tanzania Wildlife Migration Season

Witness the Spectacle: Tanzania Wildlife Migration Season

Tanzania’s wildlife migration is one of nature’s most awe-inspiring spectacles. Known as the Great Migration, this incredible event involves the movement of millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other animals across the Serengeti and Maasai Mara ecosystems in search of fresh grazing lands. Spanning over 1,800 miles, this epic journey is driven by the changing seasons and the constant quest for food and water. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of Tanzania’s migration season, exploring what makes it a remarkable experience for wildlife enthusiasts and travelers alike.

The Great Migration: An Overview

Witness the Spectacle Tanzania Wildlife Migration Season



  • What is the Great Migration?: The Great Migration is the annual movement of over 1.5 million wildebeest, accompanied by hundreds of thousands of zebras and gazelles, across the Serengeti-Maasai Mara ecosystem. This cyclical journey is primarily influenced by the availability of grazing and water, with animals moving in a continuous loop between Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and Kenya’s Maasai Mara Reserve.
  • The Migration Cycle: The migration follows a predictable pattern, driven by the seasonal rains and the growth of fresh grass. The cycle can be broadly divided into four main phases:
  1. Calving Season (January to March): The southern Serengeti and Ndutu region witness the birth of around 500,000 wildebeest calves. This period is marked by an abundance of food and water, attracting predators like lions, cheetahs, and hyenas.
  2. Western Corridor and Grumeti River (April to June): As the rains end, the herds start moving northwest towards the Grumeti River. This journey is perilous, with many animals falling prey to crocodiles while crossing the river.
  3. Mara River Crossings (July to September): One of the most dramatic events of the migration, the Mara River crossings are fraught with danger. Thousands of animals plunge into the river, facing strong currents and lurking crocodiles, to reach the lush pastures of the Maasai Mara.
  4. Return to the Serengeti (October to December): After spending a few months in the Maasai Mara, the herds begin their journey back to the Serengeti as the short rains bring new growth. This marks the start of the cycle once again.

Best Time to Witness the Migration

  • January to March: Calving Season: The calving season in the southern Serengeti is a fantastic time to witness the birth of wildebeest calves. The lush green landscape and the presence of newborns attract numerous predators, offering thrilling predator-prey interactions. This period provides excellent photographic opportunities, with dramatic scenes of hunts and the nurturing behavior of wildebeest mothers.
  • April to June: Grumeti River Crossings: During this phase, the herds move towards the Grumeti River in the western Serengeti. Although the river crossings here are less famous than the Mara River, they are equally dramatic and intense. The dense woodlands and rolling plains of the western corridor provide a picturesque backdrop for wildlife viewing.
  • July to September: Mara River Crossings: The Mara River crossings are the pinnacle of the Great Migration. Thousands of animals bravely face the treacherous river, creating a breathtaking spectacle. This period is highly popular among tourists, so booking early is essential. The Maasai Mara offers excellent vantage points to witness the chaos and drama of the crossings.
  • October to December: Returning to the Serengeti: As the herds return to the Serengeti, the short rains bring new life to the plains. This period offers a quieter, less crowded experience compared to the peak months. The herds spread out across the Serengeti, providing ample opportunities for wildlife viewing and photography.

Where to Stay During the Migration

Witness the Spectacle Tanzania Wildlife Migration Season



  • Luxury Lodges
  1. Singita Grumeti: Located in the western corridor, Singita Grumeti offers luxurious accommodations and prime access to the Grumeti River crossings. The lodges provide stunning views, top-notch service, and guided game drives.
  2. Serengeti Under Canvas: A mobile tented camp that moves with the migration, Serengeti Under Canvas ensures you’re always in the heart of the action. The camp offers a blend of luxury and adventure, with comfortable tents and excellent dining.
  • Mid-Range Options
  1. Kati Kati Tented Camp: This affordable tented camp offers comfortable accommodations and excellent access to key migration areas. It provides a classic safari experience with game drives and campfire dining.
  2. Mara Serena Safari Lodge: Located in the Maasai Mara, this lodge offers panoramic views of the Mara River and the surrounding savannah. It provides comfortable rooms, a swimming pool, and guided safaris.
  • Budget-Friendly Choices
  1. Public Campsites: For the more adventurous, public campsites in the Serengeti and Maasai Mara offer basic amenities at a fraction of the cost. It’s a great way to experience the migration on a budget.
  2. Moru Kopjes Campsite: Situated in central Serengeti, this campsite offers proximity to wildlife viewing areas. The facilities are basic, but the experience is rich in adventure and authenticity.

Tips for a Successful Migration Safari

  • Book Early: The Great Migration is a world-renowned event, and accommodations fill up quickly. To secure your preferred lodging and safari packages, it’s essential to book well in advance, especially for the peak months of July to September.
  • Choose the Right Safari Operator: Selecting a reputable safari operator can make a significant difference in your experience. Look for operators with knowledgeable guides, well-maintained vehicles, and positive reviews. A good guide can enhance your safari by providing insights into animal behavior and ensuring you are in the best locations for sightings.
  • Pack Appropriately: Packing the right gear is crucial for a comfortable and enjoyable safari. Bring light, breathable clothing for daytime, and warmer layers for the cool mornings and evenings. Don’t forget essentials like sunscreen, a hat, insect repellent, binoculars, and a good camera.
  • Stay Flexible: The migration is a dynamic event, and the exact timing and locations of the herds can vary from year to year. Stay flexible with your itinerary and trust your guides to take you to the best spots for wildlife viewing.


Witnessing the Great Migration in Tanzania is a bucket-list experience for any wildlife enthusiast. The sheer scale of the migration, combined with the dramatic river crossings and the abundance of predators, makes it one of the most thrilling wildlife spectacles on Earth. By understanding the migration cycle, choosing the right time to visit, and planning your trip carefully, you can ensure an unforgettable safari adventure. Whether you’re drawn to the calving season’s nurturing scenes or the heart-pounding river crossings, Tanzania’s Great Migration offers an unparalleled window into the wonders of the natural world.


What is the best time to see the Great Migration?

The best time to see the Great Migration depends on what aspect of the migration you wish to witness. The calving season (January to March) is great for seeing newborn wildebeest and predator interactions. The Mara River crossings (July to September) are the most dramatic and popular. The herds return to the Serengeti from October to December, offering a quieter experience.

How long does the Great Migration last?

The Great Migration is a continuous cycle that lasts throughout the year. The herds are constantly moving in search of food and water, following the rains and the growth of fresh grass.

Is it possible to see the Great Migration in Kenya?

Yes, the Great Migration extends into Kenya’s Maasai Mara Reserve. The Mara River crossings are particularly famous and can be witnessed from both the Serengeti in Tanzania and the Maasai Mara in Kenya.

Do I need a visa to visit Tanzania for a safari?

Yes, most travelers will need a visa to enter Tanzania. It’s advisable to check the visa requirements for your specific country and apply in advance to avoid any issues upon arrival.

Can I combine a migration safari with other activities in Tanzania?

Absolutely! Many travelers combine their migration safari with visits to other iconic destinations in Tanzania, such as Mount Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar, and the Ngorongoro Crater. This allows you to experience the diverse attractions Tanzania has to offer.


For comprehensive information on exploring the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, the iconic Ngorongoro Crater, and Tarangire National Park, including day trip options, delve into the following topics on our page:

Discover detailed insights and tips for an enriching safari experience in these remarkable destinations.

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